Kate Stanloski
as Princess Winnifred
is a senior who is very much like her character--she regularly swims moats. She last graced this stage as a Narrator in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." Her first role was in "Bye-Bye Birdie" as Mae Peterson; she won the actress award for her performance. She wishes to attend college to become "learn-ed" and retire to a woodsy cabin. She thanks her family and cats of the world.
Jordan Norman
as Queen Aggravain
is a senior who plays guitar and sings. She desires a career either as a recording artist or in music therapy. Her first main stage role was in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" with the choir last spring. She loves to sing, read and nap!
Connor Mendell
as King Sextimus the Silent
is making his musical debut, ironically without singing a word. He is a junior who is not really talkative. His main stage debut was in "Dracula" his freshman year.
Nathan Wallace
as Prince Dauntless
is a junior who is no stranger to the stage at AHS. Nathan has graced the stage in "Bye-Bye Birdie" and "Peter Pan" as well as having a lead role in "Around the World in 80 Days" last spring.
Aiden Knoll
as Sir Harry
got his first taste of the theatre last spring with a role in "Around the World in 80 Days." He runs cross country in the fall and stays busy in the spring with track season.