Note from the Director:
It's never an easy road; sometimes it can be a bumpy journey on the way to bringing the shows we present to life. This one has been no exception to that rule. Along the way we lost cast members for various reasons, we struggled to work around the busy cast members' schedules including soccer, tennis, swim and cross country seasons as well as marching band, and we took on the challenge of learning a very fast-paced dance number.
Through it all, the journey provided lessons learned in time management, gave us some fond memories and guffaws and brought this group of students closer to one another in ways which I hope surpass this production.
For me, there is nothing more profound than when a student joins a musical or play for the first time and realizes that this is FUN! It may produce stress, aches and pains, and physical and mental fatigue, but the sound of applause at the end of a production mixed with the sense of accomplishment these young men and women feel is so worth it all.
Here's hoping you sincerely enjoy the comedy and music in the show and know that your support is what allows us to keep doing what we love! Enjoy!!
~ Kim Sparks